Today's The Day!!!

Truth, Family, Justice

Archive for the month “July, 2012”

Changes in LIFE…

Hey gang:

God works in mysterious ways.  This weekend, He opened all the right doors for me to attend the LIFE Leadership Convention in Springfield, MA.  The biggest one being the birth of Eden Sandra Spiewak Friday, 7/20, at 5.33am.

Lots of great speakers and content shared.  So far, my favorite talk was Oliver DeMille’s ticket holder talk.  He shared that all of us and everybody we have ever met and will ever meet have genius inside.  He even gave us the technology to bring it out:

1.  How do you discover your genius?  Technology 1:   MISSION

He went on to encourage us to search deep as to what truly resonates with us.  For example:

(i) Feed the hungry

(ii) Clothe the Naked

(iii) Liberate the captives

(iv) Educate the ignorant

(v) Spread prosperity

(vi) Heal the sick

(vii) Spread beauty

(viii) Heal families

(ix) (other, your choice…)

2. How do you develop genius?  Technology 2:  SUBMISSION

“If you have a great mission, it is worth a great a submission.”

3. How do you polish up genius? Technology 3:  COMMISSION (& omission)

(i) omit what is holding you back

(ii)  Pull together the right group of people to come with you on your mission

4. How to let your genius loose in the world?  Technology 4:  TRANSMISSION

“Insert yourself between the way the world is right now and the way you want it.  Then say, “Here I stand, World, CHANGE!!!” and it will.

Finally, 5. Give glory to GOD.

DON’T try to start all at the at the same time, but figure out which stage you have not mastered and then work on that until you master it, then move on to the next one.

Really great stuff… Oh yeah, I was gonna talk about the awesome changes coming.  Well, I am tired (it is 3.36am), so here goes…

1) Sign-up $50 and 50PV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) $35 LIFE Business registration fee is waived!!!

3) First 120 days of EBC are free if person signs up for system right away!! $45 savings!!!

4) First month of Open Meeting subscription is free if person signs up for LLR or LIFE subscription!!! $40 savings for single, $80 savings for couple!!!

5) Trip tracking starts now with month 3 (month 1 being the month they sign up), one more month of grace period!!!

Can you say, FIRED UP?!?  Who is getting 10/4 and 5/2 done this week with this new info???  Please post questions, commitments, and thoughts under comments.

God Bless,

Holger TTD!!! 🙂

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