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Truth, Family, Justice

Archive for the month “January, 2014”

Lies, Lies, Lies, and the LIFE Leadership Scam

Update 1/22/14:

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Here are some related blogs on the below discussed subject:

1. A very insightful blog post  by Kirk Birtles: “Life Leadership Scam…are you nuts?

2. In depth article from Eric Bloomdahl about why someone would go on a personal vendetta against Orrin Woodward and anything related to LIFE: click HERE.

3. A closer look at Orrin Woodward by one of his closest friends, Bill Lewis: “The Shocking Truth about Orrin Woodward

4. The truth about Orrin’s history with Amway/Quixtar from LIFE Founder Dan Hawkins: Click HERE.

5.  Thoughts from LIFE Leader, Brian Powers: Click HERE.

6. Here is a great poem by Chris Brady on TRUTH: “Sentinel in the Mist

7. Here is a link to the LIFE Leadership Website and you can find the LIFE Business Compensation Plan and other resources about Business Membership HERE.

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Why do people lie?  Before I go into discussing this, let me tell you that I am far from perfect and have lied many times in my life.  Big lies, small lies, and everything in between, I have plenty of experience.  However, for the last 13 some years, I have come to the understanding that lying is definitely wrong and it hurts many people and, therefore, have tried my best to stay away from engaging in this activity.


Why do people lie?  We would all have to agree that deep down we all know that lying is wrong.  Amazingly, even people that are habitual liars and reason to themselves and others that it’s ok for THEMSELVES to lie, would be upset if SOMEONE ELSE made false promises to them or lied to them in any way.

Why do people lie?  Since we all know deep down lying is wrong, there is always a reason why people lie.  We can probably agree that with very few exceptions people lie because they hope to derive some kind of benefit from not telling the truth but fabricating a lie, instead.  Many years ago I would show police officers my German driver’s license when i got pulled over (usually for going to fast…, I AM from Germany, after all), pretending that I did not have an American license, hoping that, with some luck, the officer would not know what to do with my German license and let me off with a warning.  Obviously, I felt at that time in my life, that it would be ok for me to lie in order to avoid a speeding ticket.  Sometimes it worked but even though I would be relieved for not getting a ticket, I always felt bad about what I had done and knew it was wrong.

14 years ago I met Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady through my friend Bill Lewis.  Ever since I met them their example has inspired me to do what is RIGHT.  Now, I am not claiming that Orrin and Chris are perfect, however, in my 46 years in this world I have met thousands of people from all walks of life and Orrin and Chris’ character and integrity has been second to none.  Being around these gentlemen in many situation, both in public and in private, their willingness to do what is right, even if it costs them, has been AMAZING, for lack of a better word.  On November 11, 2011, Orrin and Chris (together with Rob Hallstrand, Bill Lewis, Tim Marks, George Guzzardo, Claude Hamilton, and Dan Hawkins) founded and launched the LIFE Leadership company.  This happened after almost 2 decades of Orrin and Chris working on developing the BEST business concept the world has ever seen.  The continuous improvement is still ongoing.  Orrin is a genius and I truly believe that he is going to be the next Sam Walton.  Chris Brady recently announced that, after Orrin approached him with this idea, he would step back from his responsibilities of working in the field of LIFE Leadership to find and develop leaders of compensated communities, and become the CEO of LIFE Leadership.  Wow, here is a man true to his calling and I believe when the history books are written, Chris will be the Steve Jobs of LIFE Leadership.  Call me crazy but we will talk again in 50 years.

Now, what do Orrin, Chris, and LIFE Leadership have to do with lies?  Well, as amazing and truly life changing my personal journey with Orrin and Chris has been, as genius and innovative as the LIFE Leadership concept is, you would think that everybody should and would speak with high regards about Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady, and LIFE Leadership.  However, the sad truth is that there is a handful of individuals that have made it their life-purpose to spread as many lies about Orrin, Chris, and LIFE as possible and deceive as many people as possible about the FACTS of LIFE (pun intended), Orrin, and Chris and thereby depriving them from the life changing benefits that LIFE offers.  How do I know?  I see it all the time.  After sharing some ideas about LIFE with a friend, said friend would oftentimes surf the web to “CHECK IT OUT” and, invariably find websites authored by these certain individuals proclaiming to be in pursuit of TRUTH, supposedly “educating” the public about what they call the “LIFE Leadership Scam” or “Orrin Woodward’s PYRAMID SCAM” or many other false statements.
SIDEBAR… While we are on this subject of “pyramid”, how can LIFE Founder Tim Marks who is UNDERNEATH his sponsor, LIFE Founder Bill Lewis, in the structure of the LIFE Community, make significantly more money for 14 years in a row than Bill?? Guess who made more money when I was an engineer, me or my boss? Corporate America IS a pyramid. “LIFE is a pyramid”, just another popular lie. END SIDEBAR…

Through an intricate process of manipulating website rankings in google and other search engines, these website always end up towards the top of the list of popular searches about Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady, and LIFE Leadership.  Unsuspecting people in search of some facts about LIFE would invariably navigate to these websites and read and, more importantly, often believe in all the lies propagated on the websites.

Now, if you happen to be an individual in search of truth about Orrin, Chris, or LIFE Leadership that has visited these websites or is planning to hear “the other side”, please answer this one question for me:  WHY DO THE AUTHORS OF THESE WEBSITES NEVER PUT THEIR NAME ON THEIR WORK BUT ALWAYS CHOSE TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS???  People that share FACTS about Orrin, Chris, and LIFE Leadership always let you know who they are so, if you really want to, you can track them down and personally confront them.  Who are you going to believe?

The TRUTH is that literally tens of thousands of peoples’ lives have already been impacted in a positive way through Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and LIFE Leadership.  Click HERE for hundreds of personal testimonies from individuals from all walks of life not afraid to share truth about their positive experiences.

Let me just share 2 testimonies from personal friends of mine:

“The education system that has been created by the LIFE business has changed not only our businesses, but also all aspects of our personal life. My home inspection business and my wife’s children’s entertainment business have never been better. We no longer promote or advertise these businesses and yet they are busier than ever before. The only thing we changed is adding the LIFE business and plugging into it wholeheartedly! We love the personal growth and the leadership information and continue to apply it to our lives. Our marriage, our parenting, and all aspects of our personal lives have improved dramatically because of this information and the community that supports it. It can truly be life changing!”, Ed & Tina Zachow – Small business owners

“Since I have been on the LIFE subscription, I have learned so many principles that have changed my life in my relationships and my job. It has made my attitude toward my job better and my relationships at work and at home have gotten so much better! People have seen the change in me and the success principles are helping me as well! All around, this is the best learning environment and association I have ever been a part of!! God Bless!”, Lynnette Rumsey – Automotive production

Lynnette works at the same company that I was working at when I met Orrin and Chris and I have personally witnessed her life transform.  Her significant improvement in her self confidence alone is something to write home about.

Why do people lie about LIFE Leadership?  Most the time, what I have found, people that lie about Orrin, Chris, and LIFE, are individuals that were involved in our company before and they did not achieve their goals and, of course, when you fail at something, it CAN’T POSSIBLY be YOUR fault.  Most certainly, somebody ELSE is to blame for your lack of results and Orrin, Chris and LIFE Leadership are the favorite targets. My friend and business partner John Mossner pointed out in one of the first comments that there are also entities that envy Orrin & Chris’ success with LIFE Leadership and/or are diametrically opposed to the purpose of LIFE, leading people to truth. Such entities are engaging and paying some of the above mentioned individuals to spread lies about Orrin, Chris, and LIFE. Incredible but true.

Personally, I feel so embarrassed for these individuals because an in depth study of the FACTS always reveals their lies.  The sad thing for these individuals is that the person they are hurting the most is themselves.

Don’t be one of them.  Get the facts.  Do what is right and tell the truth!!

Holger 🙂


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