Today's The Day!!!

Truth, Family, Justice

Orrin Woodward, a scam artist???

This is Holger Spiewak. Orrin Wooward a scammer?  (Click here for a great article on the subject.)  I met Orrin Woodward over 12 years ago and have gotten to know him really well over this time span. Now, I am not his closest friend but I have spend enough time with him personally and listened to him both at live events and through recordings that it must add to 1000s of hours. Speaking to His disciples, Jesus says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jn. 8:32). What I know about Orrin (and he will be the first to admit this) is that he is a sinner. But, as the article says, “ye shall know them by their fruit” and the fruit I have witnessed in Orrin’s life testifies that he is a sinner saved by grace. God has given Orrin some incredible talents, many of which Orrin had to work extremely hard to develop. Does he use them for God’s glory, ABSOLUTELY!! Is Orrin perfect? NO!! does he make mistakes? ABSOLUTELY!! But I have witnessed that in every situation, Orrin strives to do what is right. What I see is a man, that has been incredibly blessed but he knows where his blessings come from and gives the glory to his creator.

Steve Jobs is known to have said, “I will leave a dent in the universe.” Now, as an ex-scientist, I am not sure how that would be possible but I believe that Orrin Woodward has a destiny to make a difference in the world and change the course of history. My family feels blessed to call him a friend and mentor.

Is Orrin Woodward a scam artist? GIVE ME A BREAK…!!!

Holger Spiewak

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5 thoughts on “Orrin Woodward, a scam artist???

  1. Jon Groves on said:

    I completely agree. Orrin has always had a focus first on others. He is a true servant leader.

  2. Well said Holger! No one on this Earth is perfect, but “scam artist” Orrin is NOT! As for me and my family we are thankful for his leadership, and for yours.

    Thanks for fighting the good fight for the greater good of all.

  3. It is true that we don’t know what we don’t know. Everyone clearly acts upon the information that they possess in order to achieve a desired result. Because fallen man is not omnipotent he will fail in order to learn. Truly we should judge a man on his intentions. My experience while getting to know Orrin is a matter of his heart. Which has shown to be trying to impact others towards positive personal change.

    What are the motivations of the critics? What kind of hearts so they posses?

    As for me, I will certainly listen more to a man that I know than to the nameless and faceless.

  4. Pingback: Orrin Woodward « Today's The Day!!!

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