Today's The Day!!!

Truth, Family, Justice

Orrin Woodward Team changes lives.

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Why is it that the greatest leaders of all-time seem to either have rabid fans or rabid critics? The answer is simple: truth polarizes. When a leader leads with his convictions, others, who do not hold the same convictions, will criticize the endeavor. Throughout history, men and women like Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, Sam Walton, Oliver Cromwell, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, to name a few, have received mountaintop praise and sewer-based criticisms. In fact, if a person desires to change the world, then he better build a tough skin while maintaining a soft heart, because he will be criticized! –Orrin Woodward

I have seen this in my own LIFE. As I went out and started my business there were many that criticized what I was doing. I could never understand why someone would criticize a person for trying to do better and trying to get ahead. Then one day I was at a Team leadership seminar and I heard the answer. The speaker said that its like watching a dog that is chasing a rabbit. The dog is running over plants, through bushes, doing everything he can to try and catch the rabbit. If the people who were watching the dog couldn’t see the rabbit they would think the dog was crazy. This is how some of my critics saw me. –Bill Lewis

Could not agree more!!  Everybody wants you to get by, just not by them.  Because when you succeed all the critics will have to admit they were wrong, by default.  Nobody wants to do that, so what do they do?  Anything in their power to stop you, which means negative comments, gossip, rumor, blatant lies, whatever it takes.  The good news is best outlined in one of my favorite Orrin quotes:  “People of integrity expect to be believed and if they’re not, they let time prove them right.”  In reality, there is nothing “THEY” can do to you, unless you let them.  So, lead on!! Don’t let critics stop you, only you can!

Today’s The Day!!!

God Bless,

Holger 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Orrin Woodward Team changes lives.

  1. Love the article, thanks for sharing!

  2. Your passion for truth is Amazing my friend!!

  3. I’ve my life has been full of changes but nothing has come close to what the leaders and the system of this team have done for me! I’m very thankful for your example of conviction 🙂 hope to grow up to be like the PC

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